Now the threat of a late frost has diminished, we have busy planting out our seedlings and cuttings. To date we have planted; Runner Beans, Green Climbing Beans, Nepalese Beans, Carrots, Parsnips, Garlic, Onions, Shallots, Broad Beans, Radish, Beetroot. The greenhouse is full of developing seedlings such as Kale, Tomatoes, Chilli’s, Cucumbers, Radish, various herbs and various cut flowers.
Our early ‘Home Guard’ Potatoes are looking good and we hope to have a few ready by the end of May. Our soft fruit is developing nicely and this year we should see a good crop of Raspberries, Red Currents, Black Currents, Gooseberries and Strawberries.
Our ‘No Dig’ policy appears to be working well, early indications suggest that the Winter mulching has vastly improved the water retention properties and the overall structure of the soil. The espalier fruit trees (Apple & Pear) have blossomed well and although they are still very young specimens, we should get a few fruits this year. The young Plum tree has grown albeit slowly and some blossom was present, its still a very young tree so we will watch with interest.
Our volunteers attend roughly twice a week at present as we continue to develop and bring this unique garden back into use, so that it can be enjoyed and explored by visitors during specifically organised ‘open days’ .